Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in New York

Per U.S. Department of Justice statistics, New York ranks fourth in terms of the number of homeland security and counterterrorism organizations with a domestic focus. As of 2009, New York ranked fourth in homeland security spending and third in spending for domestic preparedness programs. It follows that homeland security jobs are considerably more prevalent in New York than they are in other states.

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Things haven’t been completely quiet on the homeland security front since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In fact, there have been 95 terrorism-related convictions in New York since 2001. New York, and the United States as a whole, can thank the dedicated men and women of homeland security who have worked round the clock to disrupt and dismantle terrorist threats in an effort to keep the nation safe since the tragic events of 9/11.

Homeland Security Degrees in New York

Homeland security professions include everything from surveillance specialists and linguists, to tactical law enforcement officers and bomb squad personnel.  Although there are many professions under the homeland security umbrella, all these professionals share a common goal – preventing New York from falling victim to organized crime or another terrorist attack.

Homeland security education comes in a variety of forms. Some schools have graduate certificate programs in emergency management, while others offer undergraduate or graduate degrees in homeland security. In New York and online, homeland security degree programs can be found with titles that include:

  • Graduate certificate in Emergency Management
  • Homeland Security Certificate
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with Homeland Security Emphasis
  • Associate of Science Degree in Emergency Management
  • Certificate in Security Management Studies
  • Certificate in Terrorism Studies

Homeland Security Careers in New York’s Public and Private Sectors

The Washington Post’s project on homeland security in the United States revealed that New York houses 131 organizations dedicated specifically to homeland security and counterterrorism. Thirty-one of these companies were established after September 11, 2001.

Some of the newest homeland security organizations in the private sector include:

  • Purdy Group, LLC. Established in 2007 and with an office in Malone, this company subcontracts with the Department of Defense and FBI Information Technology. Homeland security jobs in New York that may be offered within this company include:
    • Intelligence analyst
    • Naval operations analyst
    • Management consultant
    • Electronic monitoring specialist
  • Infusive Solutions, Inc. Started in 2001 in New York City, this company provides information technology staffing and personnel services for a variety of clients, including governmental agencies. Homeland security jobs in New York that may be available in this company include:
    • Information technology specialist
    • Technical support
    • Systems engineer
    • Software development specialist
  • Global Rainmakers, Inc. This company was established in 2006 in New York City. It provides building and personal security solutions for clients. Homeland security careers that may be available within the corporation include:
    • Security clearance specialist
    • Biometrics specialist
    • Operations security specialist
  • ANSYA Enterprise Solutions. Begun in 2003 in Pittsford, this company provides intelligence analysis, information technology, and management services to clients. Homeland security jobs within this company could include:
    • Researcher
    • Intelligence analyst
    • Internet detective
    • Information technology specialist

In addition to these privately owned companies, homeland security jobs in New York are also found at governmental agencies, including:

  • FBI Field Intelligence Groups in Albany, New York City and Buffalo
  • New York City Department of Correction’s Intelligence Unit, which specializes in gang investigations
  • New York State Intelligence Center, begun in 2003 as a joint effort between the New York State Police and the New York State Office of Homeland Security (collects and analyzes terrorist information and criminal intelligence)

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