Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in Lewiston, Maine

Lewiston is the second largest city in the state of Maine. The state plays a large role in homeland security operations because of its proximity to the Canadian border, and the fact that the border is one of the most rural in the area and is located to major metropolitan areas in Canada, such as Quebec and Montreal. Not only that, but Maine is also located on the Eastern Seaboard and is in close enough proximity to major American cities like New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington D.C., among many others. Maine became a focal point of homeland security a few years back when a terrorist bomb plot was thwarted in the state. A man from Canada attempted to carry out a plot to bomb the Pentagon by traveling through Maine. The plot was thwarted by homeland security professionals in the state of Maine.

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Homeland Security Jobs in Lewiston

The main homeland security presence in Lewiston is the United States Department of Homeland Security, which has an office located in the state. But, there are numerous local law enforcement agencies and other groups that work in partnership with the federal department in order to curb not only terrorism (both domestic and foreign,) but to also curb gang and organized crime problems- which can include large scale drug smuggling rings through Canada and illegal immigration rings, among other problems. Some of the homeland security jobs offered in Lewiston include the following:

  • Surveillance team members and supervisors
  • Undercover team members and supervisors
  • Computer forensics specialists
  • Detectives
  • Intelligence analysts
  • Foreign bureau members
  • Electronic monitoring specialists
  • Wireless technology experts

Homeland Security Degrees, Training and Certification

There are numerous requirements and qualifications needed in order to obtain a homeland security job in Lewiston, Maine. The most basic requirements are a bachelor’s degree in a field closely related to homeland security and criminal justice and training and certification in homeland security practices.

Homeland Security Degrees: There are numerous homeland security degrees offered in Lewiston and the surrounding areas. Most of the degrees can be obtained through online schooling, but some of them are only available exclusively through traditional schooling. The following is a list of some of the most common degrees that homeland security professionals have in the state of Maine:

  • Master of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management (university)
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (university)
  • Bachelor of Science in Advanced Start Criminal Justice (university)
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice- Homeland Security (online)
  • Master Degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management (online)
  • Master of Science in Homeland Security- Leadership and Executive Management (online)

Homeland Security Training and Certification: Training in homeland security is offered usually in one of two ways: academic and professional. The academic training is done through attending courses and receiving certification via performance in the classes. Professional training is done through a homeland security organization and focuses on the basic foundations of the profession, as well as more advanced topics in homeland security.

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