Influx of Immigrants Prompts Officials to Scramble for Resources

The Unites States is seeing an influx of illegal immigrants crossing over the border from Mexico.  When the country detains an immigrant and holds them in a holding facility, the Department of Homeland Security must provide for the basic needs of the detained – such as food and clothing.  This includes making certain detainees are supplied with clean underwear.

Recently a news organization uncovered an order which requests hundreds of pairs of men’s briefs to be given to detained immigrants.  According to a U.S. Immigrant and Customs Enforcement spokesperson, the order is not an unusual request.

According to the Federal Business Opportunities, which handled the request, the order was made in relation to the El Paso, Texas immigration detention center. But considering the number of immigrants continually entering into the U.S. industry watchers believe that other facilities may soon need to solicit additional clothing items as well, if they haven’t already.

Particularly concerning is the number of unaccompanied minors streaming into the country, which has spiked in recent months. For example, the Nogales, Arizona detention facility reportedly hosted over 1000 Central American minors who apparently had entered into the country without their parents.

All of these detained children receive various services, including food, water, medical exams, and clothing. Interestingly, a Border Patrol spokesperson recently reportedly said that they are not accepting donations of clothing or toys for the children because Border Patrol does not have sufficient staff to inspect the donations for cleanliness.

Political officials are beginning to complain about the conditions in the detention facilities, which are run by the Department of Homeland Security. They complain that the facilities are becoming overcrowded.

Since October 2013 immigration officials have arrested over 40,000 unaccompanied minors traveling into the United States from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.