Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in Rockford, Illinois

Located in the center of the state, the city of Rockford has one of the largest homeland security partnership organizations in Illinois. While federal employers perform much of the homeland security operations here, they work in close partnership with the Rockford Police Department, first responders, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and various local agencies and organizations.

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Education and Degrees Options

Most, if not all, homeland security positions available in Rockford require a degree in a field closely related to homeland security. Rockford offers many education opportunities, both online and through traditional colleges and universities. The following degrees are ones that are in high demand when concerning homeland security operations in Rockford:

  • Bachelors degree in legal studies
  • Bachelor degree in criminal justice- homeland security and emergency management
  • Bachelors degree in criminal justice- homeland security technology
  • Bachelors degree in criminal justice
  • Bachelors degree in homeland security- leadership and policy
  • Bachelors degree in homeland security- terrorism, mediation and peace
  • Associates degree in applied science- criminal justice
  • Masters degree in public administration- homeland security policy and coordination
  • Bachelors degree of science in human services and criminal justice

Homeland Security Certificates and Training in Rockford

While a homeland security related degree is the most important requirement for obtaining a position in Rockford, some homeland security jobs may also require additional training and certification.

Homeland Security Certifications: The Rockford Police Department’s homeland security division offers training in various homeland security techniques and procedures. But many of the homeland security certifications are offered through educational institutions, both at traditional schools and through online schools. The certifications include homeland security, information technology, forensics and criminal justice, among many others. There are also certifications in terrorism specialization (international and domestic,) national security policy and criminal justice administration.

Homeland Security Training: Just about every homeland security position requires people to undergo some form of training- whether it at an academy, through classes or while on-the-job. The type of training involved with a homeland security jobs in Rockford also depend on whether the applicant will be working at the state-level, local-level or federal-level. In some cases, a person may be required to complete training at all levels before working with a homeland security organization.

Homeland Security Careers in Rockford

The homeland security sector encompasses a variety of job types- everything from information technology to criminal justice. Every job has different requirements and qualifications, but the possibilities are nearly endless. Some of the most common homeland security jobs offered in Rockford include, but are not limited to, the following positions:

  • Computer forensic specialists
  • Detectives and investigators
  • Intelligence analysts
  • Electronic monitoring specialists
  • Cyphers and cryptologists
  • Undercover operations
  • International correspondents
  • Foreign bureau agents
  • Transportation security agents
  • Surveillance team

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