Homeland Security Degrees and Certification in Worcester, Massachusetts

The state of Massachusetts is no stranger to terrorist activity, which is the main focus of homeland security organizations across the country. In 2013, the city of Boston experienced one of the most horrifying terrorist attacks in recent memory. On September 11, 2001, two of the airplanes that were hijacked as part of the terrorist attack flew from an airport that is not very far from Worcester.

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Needless to say, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with working for homeland security organizations in the Worcester area.

The following are some of the most common homeland security jobs found in Worcester:

  • Undercover Ops Team
  • Surveillance Team
  • Transportation Security Agents
  • Detectives
  • Intelligence Analysts
  • Wireless Communication Experts
  • Electronic Monitoring Specialists
  • Computer Forensic Specialists
  • Intelligence Analysts
  • International Correspondents
  • Foreign Bureau Agents

Homeland Security Degrees, Training and Certification in Worcester

Typical requirements for these homeland security jobs include a bachelor’s degree in a field closely related to criminal justice, legal studies or homeland security, as well as extensive training and certification.

Homeland Security Degrees: There are numerous degrees offered in the Worcester area, both online and through traditional campus-based universities and colleges. Relevant degrees can be in the following areas of study, among others:

  • Law Enforcement
  • Criminal Justice
  • Homeland Security
  • Terrorism, Mediation, and Peace
  • Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • Business Administration

Homeland Security Training and Certification: Training can be obtained through two avenues: academic and professional. Academic certification involves completing a set number of courses in a specialized area. Professional certification involves extensive training that can last up to a year.

Homeland Security Organizations in Worcester

Located near the major metropolitan hub of Boston, the city of Worcester is home to plenty of homeland security organizations, agencies and partnerships. The entities include:

  • The United States Department of Homeland Security (which has a major regional office located miles away in Boston)
  • The Central Region Homeland Security Council (located in Worcester)
  • The Worcester Metropolitan Homeland Security Agency

There are also various homeland security divisions for medical responders and law enforcement agencies in the area. Because of the history of terrorist activity in Boston and Worcester, as well as a long history of organized crime, the state of Massachusetts puts its homeland security emphasis on interdepartmental communication and partnerships in order to keep the public safe from harm.

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